IA International Assistance Sdn Bhd, is a company incorporated in Malaysia having its business address at PJ51A in Petaling Jaya, Selangor and is in the business of Third-Party Administration (TPA) for Health Financing Claims Administrative Services and Contact Centre Outsourcing where it’s focused on providing professional and efficient services while emphasizing on cost efficiency. and Our main Services are as below.
Third Party Administrator (TPA) Services
Our strength lies in our ability to map and provide diagnosis for diseases and to provide the necessary detailed reports , of the cost for each treatment, types of medication involved, and the average costs of these medication thereby ensuring that there is little or “NO room“ for abuse in charges for medication and treatment.
Cashless Access Worlwide
With IA Cashless Service, getting hospitalized with a network hospital, means worry free settlement of bills with the hospital. The clients we represented, are free of stress as we co-ordinate with the hospital and settle bills upfront.
Medical Second Opinion
Over the years, patients and families have looked to IA Advisors for medical and treatment advise.
Medical Second Opinion provides expert consultation for the diagnosis of any medical condition and treatment recommendation without your having to incur the expense and trouble of leaving home. You needn´t travel to the world´s leading medical experts – IA MSO brings them to you.
Medical Concierge Services
Our customers may select their importance, like in controlling costs, ensuring the medical welfare of the patient to VIP services where end to end personalized service become a prerequisite Its all about Patient Experience
Medical Claims Administration, Adjudication & Management
With the efficiency of our Competent In House Medical Expertise and our State of Art claims processing system, where we audit and retain all transactions for current and historic occurrence.
Membership & Data Management and Administration
Naturally, the fundamental for this transformation is data. We capitalize as the repository of health plans, utilization, cost and health information to offer employers and their brokers insight to make efficient health plan and benefits decisions.
More than 100,000 over claims handled globally
More than $ 100 Million managed medical spend
Our Provider Networks
We are committed to working with providers to deliver the best healthcare to our members. It’s easy, join and be a part of our provider network today.
> 1,200
GP Clinics Malaysia
> 2,000
Private & Government Hospitals worldwide
> 100 K
Specialist Doctors worldwide
We Love to Hear From You
Please call or email and we will be happy to assist you.